






5 条评论:

依馬打 说...

你同我定,ICAC 現時只屬特區政府之 "東廠",專責剷除異己,或 "養唔熟" 之流,如簡 sir;及替商業機構 "清理門戶" 之代理人,如志雲案。

ICAC 會否查梁佑嘉老豆及梁美芬的選區 ? 點解只查京士柏 ? 無論該區梁偉權能否接任,或僅差兩票的民協候選人能因此重選接任,對大局無關痛癢,咪高調查囉。

草帽 说...

我自己是支持ICAC查到底, 但係0係呢一刻我覺得對舞弊既人嚴懲是比較重要, 最好6個人黎一個罰廿萬坐監三年. 我想這個選舉舞弊穩餐茶, 蝕層樓既阻嚇, 畀任何公平選舉宣傳更有用.

而ICAC將來會唔會再出牌巳係後話, 今次捉30人, 下次捉300. ICAC有10個8個呢類人, 大陸點玩都玩唔起.

暗黑的卡夫卡 说...

ICAC's method won't work in China since no one outside the party body is allowed to have authority over the party.

An "independent anti-corruption campaign" could bring the whole edifice tumbling down.

e.g. If China ICAC found out that the corruption of signal systems acquisitions in higispeed railway is related to the son of the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee or one of the close relatives of the Politburo Standing Committee, no one will have the authority to move against them at all.

Current political model in China just does not allow such approach to work...maybe up to province level but that's it.

量子 说...

if the corruption comes from the state,ICAC is then powerless to stand either. in this case, it is the same,CCP or no CCP,HK or the mainland. ICAC cannot challenge the state, or any crime commited in the name of it.

unless,it really wish to risk its very existence to defend the core values.

the stake is just too high.

草帽 说...

我猜這不是ICAC挖幾深既問題, 而是大陸想滲透得幾入. ICAC挖到某一個程度一定會停. 而大陸需唔需要滲透到區選階層, 我是有保留. 其實只要控制每個決策組織既頭目就可以了. 落到市民階層是多此一舉. 滲透每個組織至基層階段, 對香港同習總全無好處. 搞不好黎十個八個貪污舞弊, 外商徹資, 香港就玩完了. 所以我既結論都係新一屈中共接班人既水平應該係比較低.