Sun Bin,
6 条评论:
Prof. Jeffrey Lewis is an expert in nuclear weapon. He has offered his view on the apparent confusion in the past few days.
regarding your quesion. the simple reason is. No 4 is not operating at the time of the quake and only waste is stored. EVEN IF there is fire, the damage will be very limited. No 3 has the risk (albeit very low) of a comprise in the primary container, and hence a meltdown of the core.
I don't understand why HK's media chose to emphasize Pu fuel.
For example, the Apple Daily article contains basically garbage, eg, when talking about the fuel element,they didn't even bother to mention the isotope (i.e. atomic number), which shows how ignorant the reporters are. There are many isotopes for each element, and some are more 'radioactive' than others.
Yes, there is the an issue of getting Weapon grade ready (and i don't disagree with you regarding this), which I think is very likely true and a very legitimate suspicion for us -- but there is totally beside the point of this disaster.
To be honest I haven't studied Pu vs other fuel in detail, but I do not think using non-Pu fuel means the risk is lower.
I think this statement is not right. Core meltdown, regardless what fuel is used, U235 or Pu, could be disastrous if it is the graphite (Chernobyl) type. A meltdown and explosion could shoot the waste up to high altitude and blown further away.
The issue is graphite vs water. not U vs Pu. I think the new scientist article explained that point.
I see no reason that Pu fuel damage area could be larger than that of other fuel. Where is your source about "no upper bound of damage"? in what measure is 'upper bound"? area affected? or radiation level?
thanks for yimada's link about. i think the scientific squirrel link is very informative.
Pu 239 is used mainly because it can be enriched form U235 waste -- and re-enriched/recycle from Pu239 waste.
Simply put, Pu or not is really not the point. it is the amount of radioactive element that is exposed that is the key. In fission, all types of elements will be released, though further fission and sometime recombination. e.g U235 reactor would produce Pu239 as waste. in fact most of the Pu239 in reactor No4 are derived from waste of U235 reactors (to higher concentration). So i really do not see why U235 reactor is better, because it also produces Pu239.
谢谢Sun Bin 和伊马打,
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